about me & bbb

I am a 30 year old recently married interior designer with a wonderful husband, the world's cutest dachshund, and a penchant for projects! 

our photographer is a genius - neither one of us look like this in real life

Interior design, architecture, crafty things, computer stuff, and DIY are my kryptonite. 

I know just enough about editing blog pages and html to be dangerous...  I am by NO means a computer programmer!  I started BBB because I looked high and low for a unique blog template (free or otherwise) for my personal blog and couldn't find one that fit what I wanted just right.  Well, fit juuuuust right AND without costing juuuuust an arm and a leg. 

As it turns out, there are tons of other people out there who feel the same way!  So if you're one of them, give me a shout!  I'd love to hook you up Bing Bang Blog style.